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March 25, 2010

Georgia Attorney General Faces Impeachment Threat After Refusing To File Anti-Health Care Lawsuit

mommy, mommy: the democratic attorney general won't do what i want him to do! so i know: let's impeach him!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Georgia Attorney General Faces Impeachment Threat After Refusing To File Anti-Health Care Lawsuit

mommy, mommy: the democratic attorney general won't dot what i want him to do! i know: let's impeach him!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

March 18, 2010

Dan Choi Handcuffs Himself To White House In Don't Ask, Don't Tell Protest (VIDEO)

Congratulations to Nelson Montana for unilaterally speaking for all Americans! Thank you, Nelson!! As long as you're on a role, please tell me, "What else is happening in the news doesn't sway me?"

You may be a blogger for the Huffington Post, Nel, but you don't get to speak on behalf anyone other than yourself.

As for me, I most certainly AM swayed by Choi's actions. I think it was daring, brash and continues to call very good attention to his being dismissed after being outed for his sexual orientation.

The Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, has come out in favor of repealing the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. General David H. Petraeus said the same thing earlier this week at a House hearing.

If Choi wants to add his voice to the mix, that's his right. And for those of you that think that Choi's act was extreme, remember this:

every war that's ever been fought in the name of protecting liberty or freedom, every veteran you know that's ever served on behalf of your country has fought, in essense, for Choi's right to protest in this fashion.
About Don't Ask Don't Tell
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

March 06, 2010

Bart Stupak Abortion Claims Debunked: Health Bill Would NOT Force Federal Spending On Abortion

Dear gay Republicans who hate yourselves for being gay: you're STILL gay - If you're unwilling to love yourself, you're not qualified to stand in judgement of me. In fact, you're not qualified to stand in jugement of anyone, anyhow. None of us are.

And dear Republicans who hate it when others make decisions about your guns: stop making decisions about what pregnant women can do with their children. If you expect the nation to trust you to keep as many weapons as you like in your home, then you'd better learn to trust what others choose to do with their own bodies and families.

And dear Republicans who hate socialism: if you've ever been helped by the police or fire department; if you've ever driven on local, state or federal roads; if you've ever borrowed a book from the library; if you've ever been helped in any way by the miltary; if you've used a bridge or a dam; if you've turned on the faucet for a cup of water; if you've ever taken public transportation or gone to a public school...

In short, if you're ALREADY a product of socialized benefits and services, then nobody is going to take you seriously when you say socialism doesn't work.

So I propose a solution: until you can back up your words with consistency, or facts, or both...shut the fuck up.


The Real Democrats,

The Ones that watch, and learn, and talk, and vote.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

March 03, 2010

Grayson, Bachmann Debate Health Care Reform On 'Larry King Live' (VIDEO)

michelle bachman is like a bad turd the morning after a massive mexican dinner: painful, gassy and you can't wait for it to be over.

but remember: larry king and the other douchebags at CNN and FOX keep putting her on camera. if you wanna be upset at what she says (and theyze be plenty o' reasons for that), remember that media giants are putting her on the air for a reason: to annoy you.

stop being annoyed.

stop making sense of it.

do something to bring about the change you want instead.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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