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April 27, 2005

Christian Extremism Rears Its Ugly Head

Jesus was radical.

He was a radical thinker, a peace-maker and a man of the people. He hung out with whores and lepers because his philosophy was to love and care for the forgotten, for the poor and for those at the fringes of society. He loved everyone regardless of their station in life, practiced a deep sense of humility and tolerance and preached that we were all, as was he, children of God. Radical thoughts for those times and for now.

But especially now. That is because after Muslim extremists from other countries attacked America on 9/11, America responded, in part, with extremists of it own: Christian Extremists. And Christian Extremists want America to be a completely Christian nation, run only by Christians, and teaching the lessons of Christ, whether you like that or not. And they're working very hard to make this a reality.

There are, of course, many hundreds of millions of peaceful non-extreme Christians around the world who practice kindness, tolerance of other religions and thoughtful community work. Some work behind the scenes and others are more vocal. The National Council of Churches, for example, vocally opposed the organizers and the purpose of Justice Sunday last week in Kentucky. And that took guts.

Unfortunately, it is the Christian Extremists who are grabbing most of the headlines and setting most of the agendas. Which is bad. And the media is complicit in this. Which is worse. Individuals like Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Ralph Reed, and Bill Frist -- in their roles as public figures and leaders with way too much airtime-- consistently pervert the teachings of Christ while continuing to call themselves good Christians. Somehow, qualities like lying, ignorance, rage, arrogance, sidestepping the issues and aggressive grabs for personal power seem to be the hallmarks of today's Extreme Christians, replacing Christ's own examples of love, tolerance and acceptance. Worse yet, the plague of this kind of thinking is trickling down from today's Extremist Christian leaders to those in their flocks as well.

Take this gem of a note I got from an angry reader who read my last essay on Senator Bill Frist. When, during our correspondence, she discovered that I was Jewish, she sent this to me:

"that explains it. why didn't you say you where jewish in the letter you wrote. apparently you are studying the wrong religion. my GOD is the only GOD whether you believe it or not. it would help you to study the King James version of the true Bible and maybe you would find the truth."

Let's set aside, for the moment, that this sentiment is responsible for more wars being fought than any other throughout history. Put it aside for a second and observe how a brainwashed Christian Extremist likes to proclaim her monopoly on God. This is the "only my God is acceptable" tactic which is similar, but not identical, to the "you're going to hell if you don't believe in my God" approach. When this next happens to you, smile politely and REALIZE THAT NOTHING YOU CAN SAY OR DO WILL EVER CHANGE THIS PERSON. This is a lost soul, already brainwashed by other extremists into believing that unless you believe EXACTLY as they believe, that you will be labeled as wrong. Take pity. But...if you'd like to have some fun and, perhaps, try to make a difference, ask your assailant, "Exactly which portion of the Bible directly quotes Christ as saying that he was the only acceptable God and that those who thought differently than him would go to hell?" You'll get excuses but not an answer...because Christ never preached exclusivity, arrogance or Hell as retribution for not agreeing with everything he said and did.

Here's another classic from a more articulate reader:

"I enjoyed reading about your fairy tail land where Democrats vigorously support President Bush and demonstrate Christian behavior. Why is it that people like you want to define what a Christian is and tell us not to practice free speech. It would be refreshing if you would first define yourself honestly."

This is another common tactic Christian Extremists use which I like to call the "I'll avoid commenting on ANY of the salient points you've just discussed and instead attack you personally" approach. Conservative talk-show host Sean Hannity loves this approach; he's an expert at it. And it's a very popular tactic because it avoids having to deal with any of those sticky things called "facts". And, really, what person wants to admit they might have their facts wrong when he can have a big ego, act defensively and get really angry in order to make his point...all qualities that Christ himself embodied, right? The best way to deal with people who attack you in this fashion is simple: ASK QUESTIONS. When you put your attacker into the position of having to answer direct questions, you force them to be accountable for their answers. The only problem: you need to do your homework. And homework, dear students, is mandatory if you have any desire to speak truth to power or truth to the brainwashed.

We continue on to my next bumbling example:

"The Democrats ARE obstructing the President's judicial nominations!
They haven't confirmed nearly any Appeals Courts nominees!
The Senate's role is to advise & consent, NOT OBSTRUCT!
All nominees deserve an up or down vote in the Senate if they make it out of committee!
The filibuster has NEVER BEEN USED in this fashion in 200 years!
How would Jesus respond to Democrats today.
Would Jesus approve of abortion? NO!!!!!
Would Jesus approve of obstruction? NO!!!!!
Would Jesus approve of adultery? NO!!!!
Would Jesus approve of all the lies the Dimocrats tell? NO!!!!
Would Jesus approve of sex before marriage? NO!!!!
Would Jesus be a Democrat or a Republican? NO!!!!!"

This is a good Extremist Christian response because it combines a personal attack along with the 'ole "I'm going to confuse you with tons of extra punctuation so that you'll forget to fact check any of my sputum" approach. Only, I always fact check. And this woman's email contained an incredible array factual errors. For example, her assertion that Democrats haven't "confirmed nearly any" judicial appointees. Actually, the Democrats have already confirmed 204 out of 214 of Bush's appointees. Or that the filibuster "HAS NEVER BEEN USED in this fashion" in our history. When, very clearly, it has. But the biggest factual error of all was calling me a "heathen democrat". Because, as the primary definition of heathen is "an unconverted member of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible" and as I am a practicing Jew, it might logically follow that this Extreme Christian woman is drinking too much water from the pool. And Jesus wouldn't have drunk water from the pool; he would have walked across it.

But let us move to my most precious example:

"Don't send me another one of your emails. I strongly support the Republicans in this situation. I voted for Bush and I would over andover a million times and will vote again Republican in 2006 and 2008 so get hug another tree and drink some more Kool Aid and thank God there is a Republican in the WhiteHouse and the control everything because it is people like you that President Bush one reelection. We don't people like you running this country."

This one truly captures the "I'ma fuck you up by throwing everything at you I can possibly think of" tactic (see also the "Potpourri"). But you gotta give the guy credit: his last sentence is a huge comedic masterpiece, he manages to include exceptionally poor grammar and misspellings, and he worked in two ancient references to hippie culture. Speaking of which, I have a newsflash for Christian Extremists: Jesus had long hair, was counter-culture, wore sandals, hung out with lepers and whores and loved to preach peace. That kinda makes Jesus a HUGE hippie.

But today's final quote - the proverbial icing on the Extreme Christian cake -- comes from none other than Pat Robertson of the uber-Christian 700 Club. Pat appeared recently on "This Week With George Stephanopoulos" and was asked about the filibustering that Senate Democrats might use to defeat some of Bush's judicial nominees. His response was that Federal Judges were more of a threat to America than Al Queda:

"Over 100 years, I think the gradual erosion of the consensus that's held our country together is probably more serious than a few bearded terrorists who fly into buildings."

Then, when Stephanopoulos asked if Robertson's claims that these same renegade judges were "the most serious threat America has faced in nearly 400 years of history, more serious than al Queda, more serious than Nazi Germany and Japan, more serious than the Civil War...", Robertson -- feeling the love of Christ within -- replied:

"George, I really believe that. I think they are destroying the fabric that holds our nation together. There is an assault on marriage. There's an assault on human sexuality, as Judge Scalia said, they've taken sides in the culture war and on top of that if we have a democracy, the democratic processes should be that we can elect representatives who will share our point of view and vote those things into law."

So congratulations to Pat Robertson: he is Message to America's "Extreme Christian of The Moment" for preaching love, tolerance, peace and understanding exactly the way Christ would have done himself.

And congratulations too to George Stephanopoulous who was a compliant enough puppet to have the gumption to give airtime to Robertson in the first place.

Wake up America.

April 22, 2005

What Would Jesus Do...

An Open Letter to Dr. Bill Frist
Why Lying to Americans
in the Name of Jesus Christ
Doesn't Make You a Man of Faith

"There's only one thing throughout history
that the ruling class has ever wanted:
-- Michael Parenti

Office of Senator Bill Frist
509 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
202-228-1264 (fax)

Dr. Frist,

Why is it that you never mention how vigorously the Democrats on Capitol Hill have supported President Bush and his appointees? According to your fellow Senator Harry Reid, during President Bush's first term in office, Congress confirmed 204 of his judicial appointees. In fact, only 10 nominees were rejected overall: that means that Democrats and Republicans together have already confirmed over 95% of Bush's appointees. You've got to admit: even though many of these appointees have close ties to corporate interests and less than moral values when it comes to protecting our sacred environment, this proves awfully good bi-partisan support of the President's choices by the Democrats.

Yet you feel that Bush's 10 remaining nominees, the other 5%, should be approved right away. But the stubborn Democrats are threatening to use the filibuster – a political tool more than 200 years old – to block these remaining appointees from being confirmed. They somehow feel that the remaining 10 nominees are too radical in their agenda, too conservative in their values to best serve the majority of the American public.

So this presents a dilemma, Doctor: you want something politically that your opponents don't. How, then, should you proceed?

Well, you've proceeded by becoming a key participant in "Justice Sunday", a day of conservative grass-roots organizing in nearly 1000 churches throughout the country on April 24th. The event is being sponsored by the Family Research Council, a Christian group which claims, on their website, to be "defending family, faith and freedom". You must, therefore, be a Christian man of great faith, Sir. And I respect that, being a man of great faith myself.

So...if we're talking about faith and Christianity, dear Doctor, let us ask the most important question any good, faithful Christian can ask when faced with a dilemma such as yours: what would Jesus do? Let's say it was Jesus Christ and not you, Doctor, who was a member of the current Senate and who was considering a run for President in 2008. Let's say it was Jesus and not you, Doctor, who got to vote on President Bush's judicial nominees. And let's say it was Jesus and not you, Doctor, who saw that he didn't have enough votes to stop his opponents from using a filibuster, a centuries-old political tool still acceptable according to the rules of the Senate.

What would Jesus do?

Would Jesus attack his opponents, calling them names, saying that they are "against people of faith"? Would Jesus just boldly lie, claiming that his opponents' use of a filibuster would be "unprecedented" or create a "crisis" that would damage the country? I wonder if Jesus would conveniently forget that the Republicans filibustered President Clinton's Surgeon General appointee, Henry Foster, just a few short years ago. Or, would Jesus propose to change the rules of the system in order to get his way?

Would the Son of God, good Doctor, do as you have done and manipulate the public opinion, engage in childish name-calling, obfuscate the truth and then spread lies among those he was elected to represent? And would he do so all the while proclaiming he was a man of God?

Not by a friggin' longshot, Sir.

If Jesus were a Senator, he would strive to create peace, harmony & understanding. He would demonstrate loving his enemy, practicing kindness, compassion and working with those who opposed him to help educate and elevate them to a higher level. That's who Jesus was. Which makes you, Dr. Frist, a complete sham.

News flash: if you're going to represent Christ, then act like Christ would, Senator: tell the truth, don't seek power to suit your own personal needs, do unto others as you'd have them do unto you and start to love your enemy. If the actions you're taking are supposed to represent the true teachings of Jesus Christ, you might want to read the Bible that your constituents have read.

So do us all a favor, Doctor: either step up to the plate and act like a good Christian or step down from your decaying pulpit and resign from your post as Senator. Further, please understand that you and those who preach hatred and lies as you do are a dying breed. And though it is true that throughout history, those like you occasionally rear their heads and come to power, eventually, the people see you for who you truly are, Doctor: a charlatan and a liar. Rather, it is those who seek true love and kindness and openness that will prevail. 2000 years later, people are still talking about Jesus Christ; how long will people be talking about you?

No, Democrats aren't against people of faith, Dr. Frist. However, we are against people who use their faith as an excuse to repeatedly lie to the American public in the name of grabbing more personal power.


David Koff
Editor, Message to America

April 06, 2005

Why We Need A Voter's Bill of Rights - Part I

If you’ve never examined the history of voting rights in America, you might be surprised to learn that our beloved Constitution doesn't actually grant any of us the right to vote. Go ahead and read that last sentence again. It’s true. Instead, Article II, Section 1 of our Constitution describes how "Electors" (who are chosen by the State Legislature) get to vote in elections, not ordinary citizens like you or me…

Turns out that since the Founding Fathers couldn't agree on who deserved the right to vote, they removed themselves from the debate entirely, leaving it up to the states to decide for themselves. Thus started a 229 year odyssey during which time nearly every group of disenfranchised citizens have had to petition for their right to vote including: poor white men, white men who didn't own property, white men who weren't Catholic or Christian, black men, uneducated men, all women and finally, young people over the age of 21. During those 229 years of struggle, three Amendments were passed to forever alter our original Constitution, redefining who should be granted the right to vote: the 15th, the 19th, and the 26th Amendments.

Which brings us to today. Today, any American citizen who is at least eighteen years of age (and who isn't a convicted felon) is legally permitted to vote in any state regardless of race, sex, education, sexual orientation or financial status. We've come a long way, but the struggle for securing our voting rights is not over. Today, our votes are in danger of being forfeited because we have no legal rights to have our vote be properly counted and verified. Unlike the 15th, the 19th, and the 26th Amendments to the Constitution, there is no amendment which guarantees that your vote MUST count, MUST be verified, or MUST be accurate.

Now, if you think that sounds far-fetched, think again: unless your rights are spelled out specifically, they don’t legally exist. And now, with the advent of electronic or computerized voting machines, your vote is in even greater danger of being ignored, altered, dropped, or outright changed. In fact, here are a few examples of why the vote you cast is already in grave danger:

  • •During the November 2004 election, WIDESPREAD MALFUNCTIONS of electronic voting machines occurred in the states of: Ohio, Nebraska, New Mexico, Indiana, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Maryland, North Carolina, Washington, Florida, Nevada and Louisiana. That means that 26% of all the states in the entire nation that had voting machine breakdowns. For a full list of all of these documented irregularities, click here.
The good news is that many non-profit organizations have sprung up to address the very important topics of:
But it's not enough. At no time in our country's 229-year history has our democracy been so close to being undermined by a few people with power and access to technology. The time has come for the federal government to provide specific protections for our most basic democratic right: voting. In part two of this essay (due out next week), I'll propose what a decent "voter's bill of rights" might include along with actions that you, as citizens, can take to help support current legislation along these lines.

In the mean time
: educate yourself. Here are two links to a rather disturbing 30-minute online documentary about how Diebold's security flaws were discovered. Watch from the comfort of your own office, living room or dorm room.

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