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April 22, 2005

What Would Jesus Do...

An Open Letter to Dr. Bill Frist
Why Lying to Americans
in the Name of Jesus Christ
Doesn't Make You a Man of Faith

"There's only one thing throughout history
that the ruling class has ever wanted:
-- Michael Parenti

Office of Senator Bill Frist
509 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
202-228-1264 (fax)

Dr. Frist,

Why is it that you never mention how vigorously the Democrats on Capitol Hill have supported President Bush and his appointees? According to your fellow Senator Harry Reid, during President Bush's first term in office, Congress confirmed 204 of his judicial appointees. In fact, only 10 nominees were rejected overall: that means that Democrats and Republicans together have already confirmed over 95% of Bush's appointees. You've got to admit: even though many of these appointees have close ties to corporate interests and less than moral values when it comes to protecting our sacred environment, this proves awfully good bi-partisan support of the President's choices by the Democrats.

Yet you feel that Bush's 10 remaining nominees, the other 5%, should be approved right away. But the stubborn Democrats are threatening to use the filibuster – a political tool more than 200 years old – to block these remaining appointees from being confirmed. They somehow feel that the remaining 10 nominees are too radical in their agenda, too conservative in their values to best serve the majority of the American public.

So this presents a dilemma, Doctor: you want something politically that your opponents don't. How, then, should you proceed?

Well, you've proceeded by becoming a key participant in "Justice Sunday", a day of conservative grass-roots organizing in nearly 1000 churches throughout the country on April 24th. The event is being sponsored by the Family Research Council, a Christian group which claims, on their website, to be "defending family, faith and freedom". You must, therefore, be a Christian man of great faith, Sir. And I respect that, being a man of great faith myself.

So...if we're talking about faith and Christianity, dear Doctor, let us ask the most important question any good, faithful Christian can ask when faced with a dilemma such as yours: what would Jesus do? Let's say it was Jesus Christ and not you, Doctor, who was a member of the current Senate and who was considering a run for President in 2008. Let's say it was Jesus and not you, Doctor, who got to vote on President Bush's judicial nominees. And let's say it was Jesus and not you, Doctor, who saw that he didn't have enough votes to stop his opponents from using a filibuster, a centuries-old political tool still acceptable according to the rules of the Senate.

What would Jesus do?

Would Jesus attack his opponents, calling them names, saying that they are "against people of faith"? Would Jesus just boldly lie, claiming that his opponents' use of a filibuster would be "unprecedented" or create a "crisis" that would damage the country? I wonder if Jesus would conveniently forget that the Republicans filibustered President Clinton's Surgeon General appointee, Henry Foster, just a few short years ago. Or, would Jesus propose to change the rules of the system in order to get his way?

Would the Son of God, good Doctor, do as you have done and manipulate the public opinion, engage in childish name-calling, obfuscate the truth and then spread lies among those he was elected to represent? And would he do so all the while proclaiming he was a man of God?

Not by a friggin' longshot, Sir.

If Jesus were a Senator, he would strive to create peace, harmony & understanding. He would demonstrate loving his enemy, practicing kindness, compassion and working with those who opposed him to help educate and elevate them to a higher level. That's who Jesus was. Which makes you, Dr. Frist, a complete sham.

News flash: if you're going to represent Christ, then act like Christ would, Senator: tell the truth, don't seek power to suit your own personal needs, do unto others as you'd have them do unto you and start to love your enemy. If the actions you're taking are supposed to represent the true teachings of Jesus Christ, you might want to read the Bible that your constituents have read.

So do us all a favor, Doctor: either step up to the plate and act like a good Christian or step down from your decaying pulpit and resign from your post as Senator. Further, please understand that you and those who preach hatred and lies as you do are a dying breed. And though it is true that throughout history, those like you occasionally rear their heads and come to power, eventually, the people see you for who you truly are, Doctor: a charlatan and a liar. Rather, it is those who seek true love and kindness and openness that will prevail. 2000 years later, people are still talking about Jesus Christ; how long will people be talking about you?

No, Democrats aren't against people of faith, Dr. Frist. However, we are against people who use their faith as an excuse to repeatedly lie to the American public in the name of grabbing more personal power.


David Koff
Editor, Message to America

That's a friggin' fine letter, Mr. David Koff, and I'd like to express my gratitude to you for writing it and making it public. I'll forward it as widely as I can.

Perhaps we should find out where those 1,000 churches are located and go to church this coming Sunday so we can sing our own hymns. I imagine we should be prepared to contend with the Army of the Lord, however, whose troops are prepared to show the door to anyone who does not support the kind of faux faith and phony patriotism being touted by Citizen Frist.
Excellent letter! A vain man taking the Lord's name in vain indeed. I don't know why, but I am continually amazed that the GOP succeeds in duping the vast majority of Christians/Religious Americans into thinking that EVERYTHING they do is right and just and Godly. How far does the gulf between the rich and poor have to get before they will finally see the light? It is the GOP's sense of entitlement, lack of charity and hypocrisy that offends me. And no, I'm not a hard line Democrat either.
I think that a good proportion of the citizenry who had supported Bush got a rude awakening with the Schiavo case, ie the lengths the republicans will go to curry right religious favor. Please notice that I am not going to afford them the label of christian. I am reluctant to take it upon myself because I know that I don't measure up the standard that Jesus Christ set down.
Well, Well, Well, Mr. Koff, I'm not sure where to start. I'm getting a strong sense of anger and contempt from this letter. As a christian and not even knowing who Dr. Frist is you managed to make me want to take sides without even getting the rest of the facts. Instead I will be reading the rest of the links that you have expertly put in your letter. Thank you for that!

I'm a little confused about a few things though...
1. Was your desire to support christian beliefs in this letter and not Dr. Frist or just to use one persons words to tear down a age old religion?

2. Did you intend to speak with such sarcasm and hostility or did it just read that way while all along you yourself were trying practrice your own words...(News flash: if you're going to represent Christ, then act like Christ would, tell the truth, don't seek power to suit your own personal needs, do unto others as you'd have them do unto you and start to love your enemy. If the actions you're taking are supposed to represent the true teachings of Jesus Christ, you might want to read the Bible that your constituents have read.)
3. I also am aware that you have only represented one side of Jesus and not taken a look at the fact that Jesus although loving did not hesitate to speak up when he saw an injustice or wrong. As a matter of a fact there are countless times that God brought wrath upon those who were dissobedient and that Jesus stood up to those who were wrong in their practices and beliefs of Gods word.

Now the last thing that I have to say is that I'm not even a scholared christian and I notice these misrepresentations of Jesus and the words in your letter, imagine what someone who knows what they are reading and hearing might think. Imagine what God thinks of your using him to try to make a point that you yourself are not following through with.

I've not taken sides here but I have noticed that you don't appear to have a good understanding of Jesus' work! I'll pray that he touches your heart and uses the gifts that you have to better benefit the world.

Even though I don't like to give advice; I have one tidbit of advice for you... You yourself might want to be careful how you use Jesus' name to represent your thoughts. For you have not instilled any love of Jesus nor Glorified God with your letter. You merely sought to manipulate for you own power.
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