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February 21, 2011

Sarah Palin Addresses Wisconsin Protesters: You Must Be 'Willing To Sacrifice'

I’m sorry to say this, but Sarah Palin’s right: "Real solidarity means everyone being willing to sacrifice.­” Hells YES: even if that means we MUST sacrifice the first Amendment to the Constituti­on: http://www­.usconstit­­xconst_Am1­.html

The right to free speech or to assemble? Who needs that?! Especially if, in assembling­, we decide to bargain collective­ly… Shouldn’t we all just - I dunno - be willing to sacrifice certain parts of the Constituti­on so that the Tea Party can be happy? Come on, people! She’s not really asking for that much!

Who’s with me? Join now, and I’ll throw in sacrificin­g the 14th Amendment as well!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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