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August 25, 2006

The Genius and Daring of Keith Olberman

This is one of those things that many mainstream media outlets just didn't bother to pick up. It's a list the newsman compiled about major problems the Bush Administration had and the seemingly coincidental appearance of a raised threat level soon thereafter.

Now you can be the judge...

It is no wonder even the liberal mainstream media won’t pick up this story – it is a fantasy.

Olbermann is no genius – he is a fear monger. He wants us to fear our President. He makes the disclaimer at least three times that his list is a logical fallacy, but concludes with the inference that the coincidences have meaning. To him, the “meaning” is the scurrilous accusation that the Bush administration is inventing terrorist threats to distract the nation from bad press.

Have liberals lost their sense of self preservation? Have they forgotten 9-11?
Have they forgotten the Shoe Bomber? Have they forgotten the recently foiled plot to bomb U.S. airplanes from England? Have they forgotten the Madrid bombing? The London bombing? An average day in Israel? (Remarkably, this is only a partial list). In 9-11 almost 3,000 completely innocent people were murdered at one time. Hello? Isn’t anybody out there angry? We are at war with Islamofacism. We didn’t ask to be in this war and we did not strike first. The enemy wants to kill as much of us as possible. Meanwhile, the Democratic party is worried about invading their privacy by listening to their phone conversations and watching their bank accounts!

The problem with terrorism is that the terrorist only needs to get it right one time – we must stop them every time. And, since they are hiding, we don’t know where they are or when they are going to attack. (Trying to listen to their phone conversations might give us hints . . ). Frankly, I’d like the government err on the side of caution and act on hunches. And, I’d be mad if they had a hunch and didn’t tell me so that I could choose to change my routine (or not).

In any event, since you appear to agree with Olbermann’s conclusion, I’m sure you’ve also concluded that President Clinton fired missiles into Afghanistan and Sudan to distract the nation from his sexual harassed of one of his interns. And, as Olbermann suggested, you also agree that terror threats may be connected with the opening of new Wal-Marts.
Janett wants me to look deep inside – to question what I’m told. O.k. Wait a minute. Hmmmm.

Nope, I’m still right.

I assure you I’m not brainwashed. And, it is somewhat patronizing for you to suggest that I just parrot things I’m told without thinking for myself.

Fortunately, Koff’s Conservative Cousin has a thick skin!

This Liberal notion that there is a lot of suffering around to world and that we have to suffer through our share is simply not satisfying. The Europeans believe this which is why they were unable to stop genocide in their own backyard – Serbia. The U.S. military had to save them.

Are you really suggesting that we engage in military operations in Darfur? I thought Democrats didn’t like military force. Why don’t we let the UN negotiate? They could threaten . . . sanctions. Don’t you believe in diplomacy? Can’t you smell my sarcasm?

If we’re going to put our military anywhere else right now I would hope we would go after some nuclear facilities in Iran.

We can’t solve every problem in the world. We don’t have the resources and the world doesn’t want us to do so anyway. Therefore, with our scarce resources lets get those who want to get us. If our choice is innocent civilians in Darfur and innocent civilians in New York – I choose the New Yorkers no matter how funny they talk.
Janett writes that all lives have equal value and that an American life is no less important than any other. The logical conclusion to this thinking is that we should not fight the war on terrorism because more innocent lives will be lost.

This is a nice sentiment, but I doubt that even Janett believes it.

Yes, all lives are valuable. However, I value my own life above that of a stranger, all else being equal. I’m not conceited – I just have a sense of self-preservation. Similarly, I value the life of a family member over a stranger. And, I value the life of a fellow countryman over that of a stranger. I’m certain Janett agrees with this.

It doesn’t stop there. I value people’s lives based on their actions. For example, I value the life of a New Yorker who votes for Clinton considerably higher than a Palestinian who votes for Hamas. Janett – and many Democrats – may not agree with this and, frankly, it puzzles me. Why can’t we judge people by their behavior?

As far as terrorism is concerned, we must defend ourselves. We did not deserve 9-11 and cannot let it happen again. It is unwise to be numbed into inaction with the feel-good refrain of “all lives are equal” while our enemies want to kill us.
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