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September 24, 2008

Mainstream Media: Myth #1

Here are two terms you often hear folks like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and other "pundits" mention on their shows: "The Mainstream Media" or "The Drive-by Media"

The frequent claim on right-wing talk shows is how the "Mainstream Media" promotes a Liberal agenda while ignoring or undermining solid Conservative issues. And so we're clear: "Mainstream Media" refers to the large news conglomerates who rule the airwaves and press, thus influencing the most people. An unfair advantage, right?

Wrong, as it turns out.

In truth, the Fox "News" Channel is frequently the highest rated channel with the most viewers among ALL of the cable news networks including CNN, CNBC & MSNBC. I guess the right-wing hosts who like to propagate this lie don't respect their audiences enough to think that any of them would actually, i don't know, fact check...?


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