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September 23, 2010

Ahmadinejad U.N. Speech (VIDEO): U.S. Walks Out Over 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

really? you're going to bat for a repressive dictator? seriously? man, i'd LOVE to hear you talk about hitler: i'll bet you thought he was misunderstood as well.

looks like you need to educate yourself. a lot.

the man denies the holocaust:

the man blames jews for the controversy over a mosk at ground zero:

the man boasts that israel is governed by hatred:

the man leads a regime which kills children, women and homosexuals:

the man stole an election triggering massive demonstrations:

the man denies that his country has a nuclear program:

so tell us and - please - provide verifiable info for us ignorants: exactly what are we misunderstanding about ahmadinejad? exactly how are these radical stances "misunderstood"?

because here's what i think: you're a racist who probably doesn't know it yet.
About Iran
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