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December 01, 2010

WikiLeaks' Amazon Servers Go Offline (LIVE UPDATES)

the first amendment has no mention of enemy agents, friend. it's a stated right for all peoples in this country, something the founders wanted in order to help set america and its brand of democracy apart from other forms of governance­.

and it's a right so important that it's the very FIRST of the constituti­onal amendments­. i might not like what the julian assange publishing­, no more than i like a KKK parade. but the constituti­on is, at it's core, about helping those who are disenfranc­hised the most and protecting their core rights.

including julian assange.

so shame on you, joe lieberman and shame you too, amazon. you both represent a fear-based shift away from the freedoms americans hold dear and into scare tactics not seen since the mccarthy witch hunt of the 1950's.

remember folks: when the government seeks to manipulate businesses to violate the constituti­on, it's not just julian assange that's at risk...

it's ALL of us.
About Wikileaks
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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